Credit Information Synthesis with AI






Financial Services


Financial institutions struggle with overwhelming amounts of data when evaluating annual credit positions.

How Dynius helped

Dynius developed an AI algorithm that efficiently synthesizes and summarizes both numeric and text data.

The solution

Dynius partnered with Finwave to develop an AI algorithm for credit institutions. This solution processes large volumes of structured data, like financial statements and central bank information, along with unstructured data, such as notes written by analysts in the past. The AI delivers a clear overview of each credit position, identifies key financial trends, flags potential risks, and creates easy-to-understand summaries for analysts and board members.

Key features include:

• Structured and unstructured data are summarized automatically.
• Credit positions are checked for potential financial risks and trends.
• Short and crisp summaries provide clear and intuitive overviews for decision-makers.
• Data from different sources are combined, providing a holistic view of credit positions.

The impact

Reduction in Information Overload

Automated summarization significantly reduces the time needed to review data, easing the workload of analysts.

Improved Decision-Making

Intuitive and concise overviews allow decision-makers to act on informed insights.

Enhanced Data Utilization

The AI solution maximizes the value of structured and unstructured data, offering a holistic analysis.

Increased Operational Efficiency

By automating data analysis, the bank saves time and resources, leading to more strategic use of personnel.


Dynius's AI solution simplifies financial evaluation of credit positions, reducing information overload and enhancing decision-making for better business outcomes.


Dynius GmbH
c/o F Trust, Bahnhofplatz
6300 Zug

Dynius Italia srl
Viale Lunigiana 46
20125 Milano

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